Monday, July 4, 2011


            :Look! Up in the sky! 1
            :It’s a bird! 2
            :It’s a plane! 3
            :No! Its Amber Chia’s private Jet! 1
            :WOW! She really is living in the life of luxury… all
            :Can you imagine the clothes?? (wide eyes) 1
            :The jewelry?? 2
            :Not to mention the SHOES! 3
            :Ahh! Jimmy Choos!
            :I’m sure everyone would love to live in luxury. Life would be SOOOO easy. all
            :You wont have to do much, especially if you have maids…..right? all
            :If I lived in a life of luxury, I would want a mansion, a room full of clothes, a
             HUGE swimming pool and 12 maids to do EVERYTHING! mai
            :The cooking, cleaning and laundry? all
            :YUP! That and much more mia
            :Do you even want them to give you a bath??? Alina ( stares)
            :NO! OF COURSE NOT!! mai
            :Well? all
            :Well, I meant that it would be nice to have other people do things for you.
             You could just sit back, relax and enjoy the day. mai
            :What she says is true. We could do whatever we want. Play games, go shopping
             and watch television, without a care in the world. (SIGHHHH) all
            :Would you rather be doing Chemistry homework or be watching Glee?
            :I for one would pick Chemistry over Glee……. I wouldn’t
             want to become one of the maids you dream of having. I want to be someone
             knowledgeable….Someone everyone would look up to. sai
            :You mean like Barack Obama?
            :Yes, exactly!

            :Living in luxury is not everything…
            :You’d have to work hard to get it.
            :It all begins when we’re small. Our parents teach us to be responsible, independent
             AND disciplined.
            :But not all of us follow what our parents say, do we?
:Oh….what naughty girls we are! (mocking)

:The whole situation would be different if we had been born with a silver spoon in our
: (Sigh) We wouldn’t even know the meaning of being responsible….
:On some occasions, children are spoiled too much by their parents. Take Eminem
 For example.
:Not the chocolate by the way, it’s the artist.
:He once said something in the lyrics of his song Mockingbird.
:He said “I will buy a diamond rig for you 1, I will sing for you 2, I’ll do anything for you  to see you smile. 3
:In this song, he was referring to his daughter , If parents treat their children this way,
 they would never ever ever ever learn to survive on their own!
:Boy! Would I want Eminem as a father! (dreams) amanda
:Children begin to think that the material things in life are one of the only things that
 make them happy.
:It’s not surprising really. These children would be stuck in the house every day with their
 Xbox 360s’ , Macbooks’and whatever else. They don’t know what they are missing in
 life…….its a real shame.
:It is..?? (looks guilty)
:YES, it is! (firmly)
:Hey, imagine what would happen if everything you had was GONE?
: Poof!
:Pleeeaaassseee, don’t say that! I don’t think I can survive! (quivers) amanda
:That’s right, you wouldn’t know how to survive for even a day!
:Well……not a day……maybe two. amanda

:HEY!!! Has anyone watched Triple P?
: (blank faces, looking around)
:Is it a song? 3
:How do you watch a song??? (annoyed)
:Is it a band? 3
:Uggghhh, I give up! (pathetically)
:I KNOW!!! Is it a MOVIE???? (dumb question, excitedly) alyssa

: Triple P….you know, the Princess Protection Program? It’s a Disneychannel movie.
:(Shrug) whats it about? 3
:I’m beginning to doubt ‘yall live in luxury in the first place! Don’t you have cable  
television?? irene
:Errrr.., Sure we do!! Haha! What did you think, silly?? (cover-up)
:WELL, to cut the long story short, its about this princess named Rosalinda who was in
 danger and was sent to live with this girl named Carter.
:While living with Carter, Rosalinda finds out that it is not so easy being normal. Carter too learns that being a princess isn’t a walk in the park either.
:Oooohhhh……so what are you saying? (clueless) 3
:She is saying that people should not always think that the grass is greener on the other side. There are pros and cons to EVERY situation.(even more annoyed)
:Rigghhht! Uh, what did she say again? (whispers loudly) 3
:I have NO idea!!

:I have a question….. anin
:Okay, okay, relax.. Why is it that some people think of others who have nice, fancy and expensive things as spoilt snobs? anin
:….maybe its because they’re jealous?
:Its not right and definitely not nice. NO one should judge a book by its cover.
:Just because WE can afford doesn’t mean that WE are spoilt snobs….(snobbish)
:RRRIIIGGHTTTT………(roll eyes)
:Everyone should do their best to change peoples perception.
:Does anyone have any idea of what to do about this?
: What about?
:URGH…..about changing peoples perception! (annoyed)
:Give to charity!
:Right! We must give to those who cant afford.
:there are many who don’t live the way most of us do…
:Some don’t have internet
:computers or televisions!
:Some don’t even have a bed to sleep on or food to eat!
: (gasp)
:Poor them…..(sad)
:Yes indeed….

:ANYWAY!!! (quick and heartlessly)

( ALL)
We have it all,
We have good food on the table,
Even without asking
Gourmet food:
Chicken chops, pasta and hamburgers
Things some people out there only dream of having!
And yet we still complain.
Is it not enough?!
Is anything ever good enough?!
Are we at all willing to stop, think, and look around us to see:
The poverty?
The sufferings?
The heartbreak?
If we could do that,
Oh! What a revelation and eye-opener it would be!

We have it all,
Have we ever, just for a moment
Given a thought about how self-centered we are?
Think about the children who starve
Roofless and Homeless
Hoping for a better life.

All they have is hope
And we sit around
With everything provided
And complain?
Giving, Sharing and Helping
Now that’s how life is supposed to be.
That’s what we are called to do!
Or at least it should be!

So open you eyes
DON’T be oblivious!
Help is always wanted
So find it and lend a hand
See the things God has done in our lives,
and find a way to bless someone else with it!
There are many things that go on while we are in the midst of luxury…..
All we need to do is to find the opportunity to help!
And, my!
What a GREAT difference that would make!
So, remember!
“You can make a difference”!
:How cliché!
:But, it is true, isn’t it?
:Well… (thinks)
: I guess so..

(Turns to leave )

WAIT!!!!!!!!!! ( Haezell ) You didn’t think we’d let you off so quickly, did you?

Before we go, we would like to say thanks to the judges and everyone present here today for listening to us.
So Thank You.