Monday, July 4, 2011


            :Look! Up in the sky! 1
            :It’s a bird! 2
            :It’s a plane! 3
            :No! Its Amber Chia’s private Jet! 1
            :WOW! She really is living in the life of luxury… all
            :Can you imagine the clothes?? (wide eyes) 1
            :The jewelry?? 2
            :Not to mention the SHOES! 3
            :Ahh! Jimmy Choos!
            :I’m sure everyone would love to live in luxury. Life would be SOOOO easy. all
            :You wont have to do much, especially if you have maids…..right? all
            :If I lived in a life of luxury, I would want a mansion, a room full of clothes, a
             HUGE swimming pool and 12 maids to do EVERYTHING! mai
            :The cooking, cleaning and laundry? all
            :YUP! That and much more mia
            :Do you even want them to give you a bath??? Alina ( stares)
            :NO! OF COURSE NOT!! mai
            :Well? all
            :Well, I meant that it would be nice to have other people do things for you.
             You could just sit back, relax and enjoy the day. mai
            :What she says is true. We could do whatever we want. Play games, go shopping
             and watch television, without a care in the world. (SIGHHHH) all
            :Would you rather be doing Chemistry homework or be watching Glee?
            :I for one would pick Chemistry over Glee……. I wouldn’t
             want to become one of the maids you dream of having. I want to be someone
             knowledgeable….Someone everyone would look up to. sai
            :You mean like Barack Obama?
            :Yes, exactly!

            :Living in luxury is not everything…
            :You’d have to work hard to get it.
            :It all begins when we’re small. Our parents teach us to be responsible, independent
             AND disciplined.
            :But not all of us follow what our parents say, do we?
:Oh….what naughty girls we are! (mocking)

:The whole situation would be different if we had been born with a silver spoon in our
: (Sigh) We wouldn’t even know the meaning of being responsible….
:On some occasions, children are spoiled too much by their parents. Take Eminem
 For example.
:Not the chocolate by the way, it’s the artist.
:He once said something in the lyrics of his song Mockingbird.
:He said “I will buy a diamond rig for you 1, I will sing for you 2, I’ll do anything for you  to see you smile. 3
:In this song, he was referring to his daughter , If parents treat their children this way,
 they would never ever ever ever learn to survive on their own!
:Boy! Would I want Eminem as a father! (dreams) amanda
:Children begin to think that the material things in life are one of the only things that
 make them happy.
:It’s not surprising really. These children would be stuck in the house every day with their
 Xbox 360s’ , Macbooks’and whatever else. They don’t know what they are missing in
 life…….its a real shame.
:It is..?? (looks guilty)
:YES, it is! (firmly)
:Hey, imagine what would happen if everything you had was GONE?
: Poof!
:Pleeeaaassseee, don’t say that! I don’t think I can survive! (quivers) amanda
:That’s right, you wouldn’t know how to survive for even a day!
:Well……not a day……maybe two. amanda

:HEY!!! Has anyone watched Triple P?
: (blank faces, looking around)
:Is it a song? 3
:How do you watch a song??? (annoyed)
:Is it a band? 3
:Uggghhh, I give up! (pathetically)
:I KNOW!!! Is it a MOVIE???? (dumb question, excitedly) alyssa

: Triple P….you know, the Princess Protection Program? It’s a Disneychannel movie.
:(Shrug) whats it about? 3
:I’m beginning to doubt ‘yall live in luxury in the first place! Don’t you have cable  
television?? irene
:Errrr.., Sure we do!! Haha! What did you think, silly?? (cover-up)
:WELL, to cut the long story short, its about this princess named Rosalinda who was in
 danger and was sent to live with this girl named Carter.
:While living with Carter, Rosalinda finds out that it is not so easy being normal. Carter too learns that being a princess isn’t a walk in the park either.
:Oooohhhh……so what are you saying? (clueless) 3
:She is saying that people should not always think that the grass is greener on the other side. There are pros and cons to EVERY situation.(even more annoyed)
:Rigghhht! Uh, what did she say again? (whispers loudly) 3
:I have NO idea!!

:I have a question….. anin
:Okay, okay, relax.. Why is it that some people think of others who have nice, fancy and expensive things as spoilt snobs? anin
:….maybe its because they’re jealous?
:Its not right and definitely not nice. NO one should judge a book by its cover.
:Just because WE can afford doesn’t mean that WE are spoilt snobs….(snobbish)
:RRRIIIGGHTTTT………(roll eyes)
:Everyone should do their best to change peoples perception.
:Does anyone have any idea of what to do about this?
: What about?
:URGH…..about changing peoples perception! (annoyed)
:Give to charity!
:Right! We must give to those who cant afford.
:there are many who don’t live the way most of us do…
:Some don’t have internet
:computers or televisions!
:Some don’t even have a bed to sleep on or food to eat!
: (gasp)
:Poor them…..(sad)
:Yes indeed….

:ANYWAY!!! (quick and heartlessly)

( ALL)
We have it all,
We have good food on the table,
Even without asking
Gourmet food:
Chicken chops, pasta and hamburgers
Things some people out there only dream of having!
And yet we still complain.
Is it not enough?!
Is anything ever good enough?!
Are we at all willing to stop, think, and look around us to see:
The poverty?
The sufferings?
The heartbreak?
If we could do that,
Oh! What a revelation and eye-opener it would be!

We have it all,
Have we ever, just for a moment
Given a thought about how self-centered we are?
Think about the children who starve
Roofless and Homeless
Hoping for a better life.

All they have is hope
And we sit around
With everything provided
And complain?
Giving, Sharing and Helping
Now that’s how life is supposed to be.
That’s what we are called to do!
Or at least it should be!

So open you eyes
DON’T be oblivious!
Help is always wanted
So find it and lend a hand
See the things God has done in our lives,
and find a way to bless someone else with it!
There are many things that go on while we are in the midst of luxury…..
All we need to do is to find the opportunity to help!
And, my!
What a GREAT difference that would make!
So, remember!
“You can make a difference”!
:How cliché!
:But, it is true, isn’t it?
:Well… (thinks)
: I guess so..

(Turns to leave )

WAIT!!!!!!!!!! ( Haezell ) You didn’t think we’d let you off so quickly, did you?

Before we go, we would like to say thanks to the judges and everyone present here today for listening to us.
So Thank You.

Monday, June 20, 2011

"At the sight of the envelope......"

   At the sight of the envelope, I could not control my tears because what was contained in that envelope would undoubtedly break my heart.Three long and mostly wonderful years, I felt complete.I felt I could take over the world and that the skies would clear if I willed it so. Three years ago, I met John.John,such a common name,such a common face but but eyes that insisted otherwise and a smile that made everything in my life finally worth living for.

John,who made me feel so alive.John, who kept me happy and chased all my fears away.John,who left for war two months ago.John who is now nothing but a piece of paper packed in an envelope along with pity and despair.Why did he go,wasn't I making him happy?Questions run through my mind,leaving me blind.Two months ago when he told me about his plans to go to war, I was furious and frustrated and felt inferior. " I feel like I need to do more,to give back," he had said in a hurt voice at my disapproving response to his crazy request.

Not much has been said about the wives of men at war but let me tell you that all you can do is wait.Wait for the news spread on the front page of the newspaper or an insignificant little envelope which holds much of your world in it. I was,of course, reluctant about having him leave fearing his life and my mental health. The look in his eyes,unfazed and determined to carry out what he thought was right made arguing seem pointless.After all, who was I to stop him from fulfilling his dreams when he had fulfilled all of mine just by existing?

After a while of waiting,you either give up and move on or your worst fears become a horrible nightmare that consumes your life.Worst still than a nightmare because from this,there is no waking up.Three nights ago,an alarm was raised. Pictures of fire,despair and death flooded every news station on the television and everyone watched with glassy eyes and bated breath. A campsite where John was stationed had been sabotaged with bombs by an unknown enemy. Almost an entire team was killed. "Almost," they had said. Almost, I hoped with all I had.

Almost, I was sure it was not when I took in the morning letters and envelopes.Such an ugly thing. A little dog-eared envelope with faded ink. Such an ugly, little thing which contained the fate of my beautiful,dear John.Fate, funny four letters,grouped together proving to be so much more.Love, four even more funny letters,grouped together,but then again, so was John.Turns out that it is not like it is in the movies.There is no officer in uniform who knocks on your door and speaks the words to you.No one offers a shoulder to cry on.The only shoulders you have are that of your own which are wighed down with what must be the weight of the world.

I pick up the envelope,find the strength to rip it apart revealing the truth of what is left of John.The truth, I already knew so well.I close my eyes and wish that it would all go away but the truth is we can't run away. Life is funny that way,it shows that one tiny little envelope could be your fate.

Friday, March 11, 2011


A person I met that day,
Changed my life today,
From an irresponsible person to a good achiever,
She is my on and only best friend.

She gives me joy,
she cheers me up every single moment,
She never lets me down,
But if she do,she never stops saying "SORRY",
She challenges me,
But not forgetting to guide me to win,
She always supports me,she never judge me.

I love her so much more than my life,
She mean a lot to me,
And if anything happen to her,
I would definately be by her side,
she is my best fren I had ever had,Hope our relation will continue to the end.....


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In the Midst of Luxury.

In the midst of luxury,
All the money in the world,
Is no use to me,
If I'm not happy.

But after all, with designer bags and shoes,
What more could I ask for ?
Never thinking of the needy, the starving, the dying,
What I have never thought about was how lucky I am.

By : Yasshene Ann Manuel (:

Everybody Loves Uma



                                                      Is this how I'm suppose to post it ? :s

Friday, February 18, 2011

In the Midst of Luxury.

I was born with a diamond spoon in my mouth,
From branded strollers to designer mittens,
I was a happy baby.

From days to years I grew without worries,
Watching tv and spending money,
Like swiping my very own touch and go,
I was a happy teenager.

In the midst of luxury,
I've lived the life of a princess,
I have my own kingdom and disciples,
But I realised I have to slow down,
Or luxury will make me drown.

By : Leong Pik Leng (:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In The Midst Of Luxury

Here I am standing where am I supposed to be,
with what the world has given to me,
despite that, I can still feel the sorrow,
I'm deep inside feeling it.

Things ain't enough for me,
as for to taint the sanctity,
I made it without me knowing it,
being the one living with luxury,
ain't easy as it seems,
high expectations being out on me.

Living up to expectations of people,
being called stingy when I don't give any,
being called arrogant when I'm abandoning,
they all trying to debilitate me,
but I will still be here,
standing up for my dignity,
killing off the misery.

Nur Atiqah bt. Ramzan

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In the midst of luxury

In the midst of luxury,
how I best describe my life,
I get what I want, yet it always seems to be not what I need.
Coco Chanel, Aigner, Hermes, Jimmy Choo, Blackberry,
all arranged neatly on my top shelf.

Delicious food to get home to,

Chauffeurs driving me here and there,
Guards staying up for the safety of my family,
Golf being dad's favorite sport,
Yet there's always something seems to be missing.

Expectations, expectations,
people watching my every move,
expecting better from me,
It's not that easy,
being in the lime light.

Balqis Zainal,
4 Science Damai

Monday, February 14, 2011

In the midst of luxury :)

I was woken up by the sound of birds chirping so loudly,
I was so happy,
because of money I can run around with branded shoes and fashionable clothes.

In the midst of luxury,
Everything seems so easy,
All I do is watch tv,
Wasting time and money.

Luxury makes me high,
Luxury makes me forget,
to live the life I've never had,
It makes me go crazy,
It makes me go mad.

I need no huge sum of money,
I'm thankful to live the life I have now
because I've realised that somewhere out there,
that there is someone worse-off than me :)

Syaza Nazihah :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

In the midst of luxury

We complain and we whine,
All the time,
When Mr Gary gives us homework,
to occupy our time.

Dont we know that other children,
would do anything to live our life,
Yet we take life for granted,
Luxury had truly blindfolded our eyes.

-The awesome Amiza. :)

Ps:Dont laugh at my poem.
In The Midst of Luxury
When I turned to the left,
There is sky,
When I turned to the right,
I Can still see sky,
The scenery of Mother Nature,
Amazes me,
Everything looks so flawless,
It is the perfection of God creation,
From above across the plane.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Day by day passed,
There's food, there's new apparels, there's even money waiting for me,
I enjoy these much,
Sometimes I don't,
Busy criticizing, complaining and commenting,
Without knowing the hardship of my parents had undergone,
Now I realize that I am a lucky girl,
Because we'll never miss the water until the well runs dry.

By: Nur Fatin Shahirah ^-^

In The Midst Of Luxury.

Laptop on my lap,
Favourite show playing on the television,
Food on the table,
And an aircond to keep me cool.

I should be happy,
Shouldn’t I?
Yet there is always something,
That I find wrong.

The food’s too salty,
The aircond’s too cold,
Or the television’s too loud.

It is easy to complain,
When you are born in the midst of luxury,
But think of others,
Who has it much worse than you,
It is not that hard either.

Seri Sarah Syaiha :)

In the Midst of Luxury

At night we returned home
hands full of bags
filled with clothes we bought
from hours in the shopping mall
just spending money
in the midst of luxury
what more could you ask for?

Rooms of our houses
equiped with the latest technology
everything at our fingertips
remote control in one hand
soda drink in another
this is the life many don't have
and even more who don't treasure.

We were born amidst luxury
with a silver spoon in our mouth
and yet we're still complaining
what is ever enough?

In the midst of luxury

In the Midst of Luxury

There was a rich girl named Sarah ,
Who lived in  a house called Tamara ,
Her life is full of glitter and luxury,
However she was down with misery,

All she wanted was some love and happiness ,
But her house was filled with emptiness ,
Her parents were busy with meetings and appointments ,
They could not see her disappointment,

Poor little rich Sarah,
Life was full of error..

Living in Luxury does not ensure you happiness : D

By : Ayesha binti Judin
          4SB  (Purple) <-- Justin Bieber's Favorite Colour :D!

In The Midst of Luxury

What is luxury?
Luxury is an indulgence. 
What is an indulgence?
An indulgence is a privilege.
The privileges we get from living a luxurious life,
From fancy clothes to luxurious yachts,
We get all of that while in the midst of luxury.

But sadly,
Life isn't perfect.
There's always a catch.  
Happiness? Prosperity? Or wealth? 

So, really. 
Are fancy clothes,
Luxurious yachts,
A pretty house, 
Are all those worth it if we deprive of happiness?

In the end, 
Living in the midst of luxury is only a privilege. 

Melissa Teh.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


In the midst of luxury,
In this pseudo reality,
We are all stimulated,
By our fake personality's.

In the midst of luxury,
We are often being fooled,
By the facade of the century,
And we are still not aware of it. 

By: Awesome Ksherah:)

In the Midst of Luxury

Luxury, such a luxurious word,
Its something I go through everyday,
My loving parents that guide me,
Is a luxury.

The luxury of having food,
Served on the table everyday.
Be it the tasty pasta or curry,
Is a luxury for me.

The comfortable home I have,
With a soft bed,
And a bouncy fluffy pillow,
Is MY luxury.

In the Midst of Luxury

Most of us have it 
And most of us 
Are surrounded by it
From big houses to expensive cars
And branded items like Coach handbags
We have it all
And Yet we still complain
Forever unsatisfied

We have it all
We have good food on the table
Even without asking
Chicken chops , pasta and hamburgers
And yet we still complain

We have it all
Have we ever , just for a moment
Given a taught about how self-sentered we are
Think about children who starve
Roofless and Homeless
Hoping for a better life

All there is...hope
And we sit around 
With everything provided
And complain?
Giving, sharing, and helping 
Now that's how life is supposed to be.

In the Midst of Luxury by Een

In the midst of luxury,
I bought a blackberry,
Staring at the screen I wonder,
Is this necessary?

I look to the left, I look to the right,
All I see is shimmering light,
From my mansion all night,
Shining so bright.

I step into my Lamborghini,
With my Ray-Bans on,
Looking so fine in my new chiffon,
With my boyfriend named John.

I blissfully swap my credit card,
Trying to fill felicity in my heart,
The joy of carrying around Gucci,
Makes me oh-so-happy. 

As I walk down the road,
I see penniless beggars, begging for food,
With tears in their eyes I felt a shock in my chest,
I'm never aware of how lucky I am,
To be living the life of luxury.

Chaperons, limousine, shopping for expensive things,
I'm no princess i'm no queen i'm no king,
Now that I realize,
Gold & diamond rings, all of these don't mean a thing,
Compared to a plate of chicken wing.

By Nurain Nazuraa Binti Mohd Ghazali
Everybody wants to have 
A life of luxury
To own cars as expensive as a Ferari
To have a house as big as a palace
Everybody wants a life of luxury

People nowadays are not like before
Flying on a plane when holiday comes 
Owning their own computers
Even children, as young as 9 years old
have their own handphones
What a luxurious life

Teenagers these days, are living the life
To have such wealthy parents
To have expensive gadgets
To have someone to cook for them
To have a driver to drive them everywhere
Teenagers truly are
Living the life of luxury

By Mai Najihah 

In The Midst of Luxury

At night they returned home, 
With their suits and dresses,
And approached their jewelry box, 
Their hands and necks full of gold,
Their watches and earrings made of diamonds,
They were the richest family in town.

The whole day and night just passed,
All they do is party,
In their three million dollar yacht,
Along with their expensive gadgets,
And their private jet,
They were living the life of the billionaires.

They were born to be rich,
And grew up with nannies,
Now they are in ivy league schools,
Following their parent's footsteps,
To be in the midst of luxury.

By: Nur Sabrina Idrose :)

In The Midst of Luxury

In the middle of the night,
They returned home as always,
In their expensive all-black tuxedos and beautiful gowns,
Acting all drunk.

Thinking they were having the time of their lives,
Forgetting how much time and money they were wasting on,
Not realizing how the economical world is nowadays, 
Spending on such ridiculous and unnecessary requirements.

They thought the alma mater was a bore, 
Also a place where they could meet up with each other, 
Never had the need to do any kind of chores,
Always demanding for such expensive materials.

Never did have to work so hard or work at all for it,
In whatever hardships or in other words trouble,
They always manage to get through,
With the aid of luxury.

By: Alyssa Mohd. Fazillah The Great

Friday, February 11, 2011

In The Midst of Luxury

You who live in luxury,
Rich kids, they call you;
Never worked a single day of your lives,
Yet you make a fuss of how much you have to do,
You have trust funds, but say you don't have enough money,
You've never experienced hardship,
Yet you complain so much.

So, how does it make sense?
So much, yet so little,
Too much, yet not enough,
Nothing is ever good enough,
Is it luxury?
But, of course, it is!
But, you make it seem like the pits

Maybe it makes sense,
But, not so for you.
You seem so blind to the blessings of God,
I pray the scales of your eyes would fall off,
i pray that you could see,
The wonders The Lord has done,
For you and for me

Amanda Jeysing; only one in this world:)

In the midst of luxury

Having a warm-hearted father,
who encourages me in everything I do,
is my greatest luxury.
When my entire day has gone no where but downhill,
the comforting voice of my mother,
is my greatest luxury.
The fun of sharing secrets,
and gossiping with my little sister,
is my greatest luxury.
My fellow buddies who always stick with me,
through thick and thin,
is my greatest luxury.
The fancy clothes I wear,
and the delicious home-made food I always crave for,
is my greatest luxury.
And having a beautiful home to live in,
full of memories with my whole family,
is my greatest luxury.

Jasween Kaur :)

In the midst of luxury

In the midst of luxury
I have never been happy
for what had happened to the world recently.
More people are dying
and suffering from hunger
because their stomach are always empty.
Although we are living in twenty-first century
but people do not practice morality.
They like to waste their money 
on things that are unnecessary
instead saving children who are barely breathing.
This matter is not as interesting as Jesse Mccartney
because people are not caring 
how the world is changing 
as long as they got their necessity.

Friendships have turn from hobby to money
making me wondering what is the meaning living in a big city.
People looking forward to money have always been a reality
instead having fun with their peers like crazy.
Honesty  is the best policy
do not exit in a world like me.
Everybody are living miserably
for they unsure what are they thinking.
Backstabbing or lying happened normally
like having eight glasses of water in a day regularly.
Such actions have hurt many people daily
for us trying to survive and raise our family.

Branded bags and shoes are nice and costly
to show their rich and wealthy
in order to pretend they are high and mighty.
Letting themselves to live foolishly 
have been a great laugh to people who live poorly but happily.  
Trying so hard to fit into the society
that to live with humility.

By N.I.C.O.L.E

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In The Midst of Luxury

After school I return,
with a driver carrying my bag
As I approach the kitchen
I smell the fine food
my mouth watering with glee as I stood
looking at the cook
that looked at me with crude

Days and nights passed
My every order obeyed

In luxury all the time
Can you imagine the clothes?
And luxury bubble baths!
Happily enjoying the pampering
That never ended.

I am born amidst luxury
and grew up
not knowing the meaning of hardship

Haezell The Awesome! ;)

In the Midst of Luxury

There are millions of people in this world,
So many stories,so much of crave,
people wanting this,others wanting that,
Not knowing what they already have,
Everyone wants luxury,
From branded clothes to expensive phones,
Like many say,"You can never have enough",
But luxury to me is greater than that.
Luxury to me is having an annoying brother,
Fighting and sreaming every single day,
Even though I hate him so much,I know I love him just as much,

Luxury to me is having an understanding mother,
The person I know who'll always be my friend,
I have a problem,I run to her,
She helps me out,she makes me smile.

Luxury to me is having close friends,
The people I trust,who always lends a hand,
They make me laugh everytime I'm sad,
"Friends Forever",I know it will stay that way.

Luxury to me is eating yummy food,
Cooked by my mummy when I come back from school,
Simple things that many don't get,
Is something that I always appreciate.
