Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In The Midst of Luxury

The minute he walks through the door,
He happily walks across the floor,
A maid approaches with food in hand,
How grateful it is to be this man.

Four great walls make up a room,
Filled inch to inch with unused tools,
He has already the things he needs,
But not all the things he wants to see.

Dressed spick and span from head to toe,
Going out for dinner second night in a row,
He awaits his date in a fancy new ride,
In the corner of his eye, a passerby.

She held something small in her hand,
It's cry was louder than a rock band,
He felt a pang of pity for the girl,
Does she even have a home in this world?

Without another second of thought,
He drove his car around the block,
The girl in the cloak with the infant in rags,
Was startled to see wads of cash.

She held her child as she started to cry,
To the stranger she began to reply,

Thank you so much,
You saved our lives.

Raisa Albar

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